StoriSSe was created from my need to tell more about the many extraordinary causes that you might not be aware of.

The way the blog works is simple. Each post consists of two parts: a story, which is hand-picked and meaningful to me; and a second part, which links a charitable organisation to the story.

The content of the stories is not directly linked to the charity – they are personal to me, my family and my friends, or they are results of my PhD research. Similarly, the choice of charities featured at the end of most posts is personal.


This page is here to inspire you. You will find a broad list of areas of work of the charities I featured, as well as other resources I use as inspiration. Some are blogs, some are books and a lot are feature films or documentaries, since watching films together is what me and my husband do a lot of these days. I keep updating this page.

If you think I have not included something important, please get in touch.


LION – based on a true story, a moving portrayal of child poverty in parts of India

MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES – on the effects of rapid industrialisation on the environment

OUR DAILY BREAD – a film on food produced en masse

THE ACT OF KILLING – on the Indonesian massacre during the military regime (this is a very hard watch)

NOSTALGIA FOR THE LIGHT – The search of Chilean women for lost relatives.

INTO THE ABYSS – Werner Herzog investigates meanders of murder and state killing

HIDDEN FIGURES – Not a documentary as such, but based on an incredible real story. Feel good film for the whole family.

THE SECOND MOTHER – Again, this is not a documentary, but another one that touched me. A film that highlights how difficult and life changing certain life choices can be.

CHOP SHOP – On being an incredibly goodhearted boy in a deprived area of New York.

LAST FLAG FLYING – This one is political, raw, heart-wrenching, but also such a good laugh!

THAT SUGAR FILM – A film which started a movement. I was amazed at what impact excessive sugar consumption can have, especially on poor communities.

THE SILENT CHILD – Recent Oscar winner, an important film raising awareness on issues faced by children with hearing loss.

FIRE IN THE BLOOD – An honest and eye-opening film about pharmacological monopoly and health inequalities around the world

CHILDREN UNDERGROUND – Moving account of the difficulties experienced daily by children living in the street.

MY LIFE WITHOUT ME – Not a documentary, but a realistic exposition on growing up and dealing with difficult decisions. (I would definitely give it a higher score than the current RT)

On the internet:

NEIGHBOURLY – connecting communities

SUSPENDED COFFEES – suspending coffees for those who need them

GOOD NEWS SHARED – a really uplifting read. Good for a Sunday morning, with a cup of hot coffee at hand.

Some reads:

I’m terrible at remembering book titles. So here’s to a list that will keep being updated as I read some more:

IF NOBODY SPEAKS OF REMARKABLE THINGS: When you first start reading this book, that’s what you think: what’s so remarkable about it? Yet, it surprises you.

RESERVOIR 13: I am in love with this author at the moment. I haven’t even finished the book (nor do I want to), and I’m already recommending it.

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