The 3rd series of My Beautiful Stories- the podcast- is dedicated to the stories of 2020.

‘My day, today’

You know by now how passionate I am about the power of storytelling, and particularly the power that our individual stories carry.

Recently, we have proven the power of the many in creating beauty. Our individual stories collectively created a beautiful and universally reaching moment for Earth Day.

This is my proposition, today: let’s recreate the impact of the Planet Project, even more, let’s recreate the impact of the Baltic chain, in an attempt at keeping 2020 forever in our collective memory.

This is why I have chosen to dedicate the whole series 3 of My Beautiful Stories to the stories of our lives in 2020.

My voice is not enough. In order to make this memorable, we need to engage it collectively. Let’s make these stories as varied and diverse as we are.

Send me your stories.

  • Are you in isolation?
  • How has your life changed? How has it not? What brings you joy? And what doesn’t?
  • Are you returning to ‘normal’ life? What is your new ‘normal’?
  • Are you a key worker? Or do you know one? Have you had a memorable encounter with a keyworker? Or a day-to-day encounter, which was really meaningful? My own encounter is soon coming up on the podcast.
  • Are you in a difficult situation? What has helped? And what hasn’t?

Here are some further prompts to help you think about the story. But please, share in any way you want and tell me that story as you remember it. Remember my attitude to storytelling: a story is not linear, it rarely has a clear beginning, middle or an end. A story is fluid and telling and retelling it makes it meaningful and gripping for the one who listens.

  • How has your relationship with your close friends and relatives changed? How has it not?
  • Have you experienced gestures of kindness? What was truly memorable?
  • Have you, yourself, made such gestures?
  • What habits have you changed? Or, have you not?
  • Has this time made you do things you had never thought you would do? Have you had to come out of your comfort zone?

I will choose a selection of stories, aiming to make it as diverse and multi-faceted as possible, and will narrate them all in a special season 3 of MY BEAUTIFUL STORIES – the podcast.

There is a way to get through THIS, and to get through it well – and that’s through NARRATIVES. Our own, mundane, yet fundamental, stories.

HOW TO:  In order to make sure I receive your stories, please use the form on here to send them or reply to my email newsletter. Choose your format: poem, story, reflections, written or recorded. YES. Would you like to read  your story, yourself? Please please do – send me the audio file as a reply to my newsletter. It would be lovely to hear your voice telling your story.

I look forward to connecting with you in this way. Please share and invite other people to this community. Let’s make the stories of 2020 as diverse as possible.