The first story – on the island of Massachussets

The first story sent to us comes from Kathy. This is a story of loss, love and resilience. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Here is a fragment of this story:

‘Overnight her world shrunk to the spaces in her home and to the trips to the doctor’s office where she would receive her treatments. Whereas before I would sit beside her during the nearly three hours to help her pass the time, I was now no longer allowed to pass through the office doors. Our other hours and days together were spent in the confines of the small rooms of her house. We had no outside distractions. The walls closed in and a heaviness, weighted with heightened concerns, rode on our shoulders. The world became an unfamiliar place.’



In narrative research, we put a lot of value on the way a story is told. This story emanates a lot of light and hope and humanity simply in the way it is narrated. We discuss how Kathy manages to create this whilst narrating a difficult moment in her life.


We recommend this film, which shows the process of reflecting on a difficult situation whilst finding oneself at its epicentre.

This was the first story shared on the new series of the podcast.

Share your stories of 2020 with us and let’s create a safe space where to keep a memento of what 2020 really was like – the beauty, the humanity, the heartbreak.

We invite a diversity of voices to join us in telling the stories of 2020.

If you have enjoyed this episode,please do share with other people. It’s not that easy to record these episodes while we are still at home… but we will continue to, if it matters.

Join us in the conversation, by sending me a message on here or on @storisse.

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