On Lunchboxes


I was introduced to the world of packed lunches the day my middle child started nursery.

After a year of daily lunchbox packing, there followed a blissful break when my 2 older children were in ‘infants’ – that part of schooling when you benefit from free meals. My 3rd child, a baby, finally rejoiced some undivided attention and maybe a few more elaborate meals.

September last year I found myself back on the lunchbox wagon. Continue reading “On Lunchboxes”

On the artist

featuring The Green Ribbon Campaign

* This is Jimmy’s story. A story of mental illness, stigma, ambitions and finding peace*

‘So I’m supposed to tell you my story, no guidelines… That’s going to be hard! I do not know where to start.

My father passed away when I was ten years old and I was brought up by my mum and my two older sisters. They moved out of home and I went into boarding school for a while. My father had been my best friend. Continue reading “On the artist”